Back when I was in the Psychoanalytic Studies Program, it would have amused me to no end to be characterized as a Freudian:
(We’ve become strangely Freudian over at Bookslut, what with Jason B. Jones’s new column and my reading his essays at the suggestion of a friend. We’ll try to throw in some Jung or Piaget [who doesn’t love a little genetic epistemology] or someone to balance it out.)
Within the world of psychoanalytic studies, I would identify as a Lacanian. But since–as my column suggests–people *outside* that world don’t care about such differences, I speak of Freud.
Plus, one wants to have readers, right? The # of people who’ve read part of the Dora case, or The Interpretation of Dreams, or Civilization and Its Discontents, or “The Uncanny” is a lot higher than the number of people who’ve read Lacan’s Seminar XVII (despite my best efforts).