The interoffice mail has brought word from the provost’s office that I’ve been recommended for tenure, which will officially be conferred in May by the Board of Trustees. Longtime readers will remember that I was promoted last year, but denied tenure for “insufficient achievement in years in rank.” And so, after continuing to breathe for another year, I’ve made it.
It was my understanding that the university would have been in precarious legal position not to offer me tenure after promoting me,* so this is hardly a surprise, though it’s welcome all the same.
I will say that the timing’s all wrong: We’ve still got 2 weeks of classes, plus exams . . . it’s not as though I can kick back or anything. In fact, taking a peek at the calendar for the next couple of weeks, we may not even get a dinner out of this. And the pay raise came last year, so I’m not sure what effect this will really have. Maybe it’ll be clearer in a couple of months. (More blog posts with a mid-afternoon timestamp?)
* A friend of mine on the promotion and tenure committee has been joking since *last* April about convincing the committee this year *not* to tenure me, in exchange for a finder’s fee from the inevitable lawsuit and fat settlement.
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